Jan 18, 2022
La Estrategia de Gas y GLP del Grupo Empresarial está basada en los 4 pilares de transición energética: (i) crecimiento (ii) diversificación (iii) competitividad y resiliencia y (iv) SosTECnibilidad y transición. Estos permitirán asegurar la consolidación de un negocio integral para el GE, basado en soluciones energéticas de bajas emisiones y modelos flexibles, que se integran con otras alternativas como hidrógeno, biogás y energías renovables para maximizar el valor, el cual además es autofinanciable y con crecimiento sostenible.
Para esto se han definido las siguientes palancas de valor:
The Business Group's Gas and LPG Strategy is based on the 4 pillars of energy transition: (i) growth (ii) diversification (iii) competitiveness and resilience and (iv) Sustainability and transition. These will ensure the consolidation of an integral business for GE, based on low-emission energy solutions and flexible models, which are integrated with other alternatives such as hydrogen, biogas and renewable energies to maximize value, which is also self-financing and with sustainable growth.
To this end, the following value levers have been defined:
i. Diversify GE production so that Gas and LPG reach up to 30% share between 2030 and 2035.
ii. Achieve EBITDA growth by strengthening and accelerating the organic portfolio (resources and reserves).
iii. Grow through diversification of the value chain with inorganic opportunities and expansion of the business internationally.
iv. Develop commercial schemes to stimulate new demand, which will allow us to reach additional sales levels with consumption in industry, thermal, NGV and integral solutions.
v. Contribute to the decarbonization goals of the GE and the country by eliminating routine burns, leaks and venting in the operation, which impacts GHG emissions scope 1 and 2, and through the sale of a basket of products with lower emissions, reducing scope 3 emissions.