
Social Settings Management Strategy

May 19, 2023

Ecopetrol Group Social Settings Management Strategy

The Social Setting Management Strategy is aimed at contributing to the growth of the economic value of Ecopetrol and the Group, by creating sustainable development conditions that lead to the consolidation of the operations and business viability.

Its specific objectives are:

  • Uphold the operation of businesses and enable sustainable development in the territories, strengthening the ability to adapt to conditions in the social setting.
  • Contribute to the generation of economic and social benefits and ensure that stakeholders perceive and recognize that said benefits are derived from the presence of Ecopetrol and its Group in the territory.

This strategy sets out strategic axes: engagement, social investment, and security. These axes are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG and the National Development Plan.

Sustainable Development Goals - SDG and the National Development Plan.


For the Ecopetrol Group, engagement with the various stakeholders is the cross-cutting axis that leads to the building of long-term relationships of trust with the various actors in the areas of operation.

Knowledge of the territory in its social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and institutional aspects makes it possible to identify risks, as well as the impact generated by the presence of the company in the territory, thus enabling responsible and sustainable management of operational activities. This knowledge enables the identification of opportunities for improving conditions in the territory and contributing to a sustainable development. 

In this regard, the Social Setting Management Strategy corresponds to the set of actions aimed at the construction of favorable conditions for the growth of Ecopetrol and its Group and, simultaneously, to the generation of sustainable development conditions in the territories.

The Vice-presidency of Sustainable Development is the Ecopetrol area that leverages the implementation of the Social Setting Management Strategy, and its management cost  in 2022 amounted to $71,249.8 million pesos.

Click here to learn about our Social Setting Management Strategy



For the Ecopetrol Group, engagement is a strategic axis for territorial management, aimed at building long-term relationships of trust with the various actors in the territory, which, on the one hand, favor the accomplishment of business objectives and, on the other, the contribution to sustainable development. This engagement implies coordination among various corporate areas, related to the social setting: environmental, social, legal, human talent, and supply, in line with territorial development strategies based on compliance with the TESG strategy roadmap associated to the local development mission. The promotion and participation in various relationship opportunities positions the Ecopetrol Group as a territorial actor, and seeks to identify the expectations, concerns, and disapproval among the various actors in the territory.  Further, it intends to gather common information on the activities and outcomes of the company, participate in territorial planning processes, and build shared development visions.

Some key components for the establishment of relationships include dialogue opportunities and territorial agreements, adequate management of commitments, building of shared visions of the territory, and institutional and community strengthening.

Key components

Social dialogue and territorial agreement

Ecopetrol, within the constitutional and legal framework, with institutional support and in accordance with the interaction required among actors in the territory, participates and generates scenarios for a democratic and inclusive dialogue to report the reality of its activities and actions, share its purposes, get to know their needs, position and opinions, through an effective participation of the communities and local institutions and, furthermore, resolve in a peaceful and concerted manner any conflicts that may arise in the execution of their operation.

  • Dialogue scenarios promoted by Ecopetrol to build trust relationships

These territorial dialogue scenarios include opportunities promoted by Ecopetrol with communities and local authorities, aimed at establishing inclusive and permanent relationships to thus capitalize on the opportunity to prevent, transform, and constructively settle differences. Also, these dialogue opportunities help improve coexistence, secure citizen participation, strengthen institutions and community processes, and define strategies for the sustainable development of the territories. 

Likewise, relationship initiatives in the different regions are a strategy that has made it possible to strengthen and expand the scope of Ecopetrol's voluntary, preventive, and constructive engagement with its stakeholders, especially with communities, unions, and local authorities. 

In 2022, 276 strategic engagement opportunities took place, 196 of which were social dialogue opportunities, and 80 relationship initiatives for building trust, strengthening heritage and cultural traditions. In addition, there was promotion of sports, recreation, health, and pedagogy concerning industry, energy transition, and regional coordination, aimed at bringing the company closer to the territory to consolidate the social fabric, making projects and operations viable. The following is a summary table by region:



Opportunities for social dialogue and strategic engagement by region in 2022



Dialogue opportunities

Relationship initiatives










Catatumbo Arauca



Center West

















Source:    Vice-presidency of Sustainable Development - Regional Social Setting Management 

The results of these opportunities translate into interaction with more than 752,467 people, with the community being the main focus. The table below shows the number of people who participated, by main stakeholders, in Society, Community, and Local Government:

Total number of participants among stakeholders by region in 2022




Non-government institutions



























Catatumbo Arauca







Center West




































Source:    Vice-presidency of Sustainable Development - Regional Social Setting Management 

Commitment management

To maintain trust relationships with the stakeholders, Ecopetrol must identify, recognize, and fulfill the commitments acquired in the past in those regions where it operates. Hence, it is necessary to manage commitments up to their conclusion.

Commitment management consists in ensuring compliance as derived from Ecopetrol's interaction with its stakeholders. This implies the registration, monitoring, and fulfillment of commitments set out in the responses given to Petitions, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions - PQRS, as well as those agreed upon in relationship scenarios. Said management is regulated in the procedure for the management of commitments with stakeholders, and the instructions for management of commitments with Society, Community, and Government.

It is measured with the commitment management indicator, which accumulated results in 2022 amount to 99.87%.  Its evolution in the past 5 years is as follows:

Commitments management with stakeholders 2018 - 2022

Graphic about Commitments management with stakeholders 2018 - 2022

Source:    Citizen Participation Office

Territory management

Territory management and the contributions of Ecopetrol to sustainable territorial development include the shared construction of long-term visions, with the participation of stakeholders, in line with local and regional planning processes, territorial ordering, and identification of social gaps. In this vein, the coordination of business management as per the dynamics of territorial development, the incidence in the regulatory development related to the stabilization and management of the territory, the formalization of real estate rights, and the incorporation of an inclusive perspective considering the existing diversity of company stakeholders, are strategies that contribute to generate trust and build sustainable territories.

Institutional and Community Strengthening

Ecopetrol promotes efforts leading to institutional strengthening in the territories where it operates, generating institutional and organizational capacities that strengthen the relationship between the Government and the actors in the territory, and contribute to coexistence and search for sustainable development alternatives. 

For contributing to the strengthening of local institutional capacities, Ecopetrol works together with the National Government to facilitate monitoring and construction of agreements around issues that give rise to most confrontation in the territories, thus contributing to the legitimacy of the Government in the regions.

Social investment at Ecopetrol is the business practice enabling its contribution to the sustainable development of the communities where it has an interest, or in regions of the country where such contributions are in harmony with the corporate strategy. Its purpose is to promote local development to focused on three strategic options, which are prioritized in the Local Development roadmap:

  • Dynamization of local economies
  • Education
  • Access to public utilities  improve life quality and reduce unsatisfied basic needs, thus consolidating high levels of trust in the areas of influence. Territorial management is


These strategic options are deployed in social investment lines, namely:

  1. Education, sports, and health care ('Ecopetrol Educa' - Ecopetrol Educates)
  2. Inclusive rural development ('Ecopetrol al Campo' Ecopetrol to the Countryside)
  3. Entrepreneurship and business development ('Ecopetrol  Emprende' - Ecopetrol Entrepreneur)
  4. Public and community infrastructure ('Ecopetrol Construye' - Ecopetrol Builds)
  5. Public utilities ('Ecopetrol Agua y Vida y Ecopetrol Conecta' - Ecopetrol Water and Life and Ecopetrol Connects). 

Social investment is materialized through projects that are identified and prioritized in the territories after consulting with the stakeholders, the Community, and the Government. The projects are formulated, structured, and executed with technical rigor both for company voluntary investment using its own resources, as well as for mandatory investment or that corresponding to tax mechanisms such as public works for taxes.

Further to social investment, Ecopetrol also invests in engagement, which translates into actions for institutional and community strengthening, that enable having competent, skilled actors to face transformation challenges in their territories.

Ecopetrol is committed to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs of the United Nations.  It recognizes the comprehensiveness and interdependence of all the SDGs and, therefore, although it recognizes that there are some on which it has greater impact, it considers them a complete and coherent agenda. In this regard, investment lines are mostly aligned with the following SDGs:

Image about: Sustainable Development Goals

Social investment lines


Education, sports, and health care (Ecopetrol Educates)


Investment in education and sports promotes quality, coverage, and school retention. Ecopetrol thus contributes to the promotion of rights of boys, girls, and adolescents, the dissemination of culture, the peaceful resolution of conflicts, and the strengthening of democratic principles. As of 2024, Ecopetrol intends to benefit more than 626,000 children and youth, which is equivalent to 7% of enrollment in the country's public institutions. As of December 2022, 586,049 students have benefited, representing 93.6% of the goal set, of which 128,258 benefited in 2022 through the following initiatives:

Greater retention: Implementation of actions for children to remain in the school system, and make good use of their free time:

  • Provision of school furniture: in 2022, a provision of school furniture was provided to benefit more than 19,700 students from public educational centers in Bolívar, La Guajira, Meta, and Cundinamarca.
  • Provision of school kits: in 2022, more than 34,800 kits were distributed among students and teachers at educational centers in the Ecopetrol area of interest in Meta, Casanare, Cundinamarca, and Norte de Santander. 
  •  Music schools: using music schools as a strategy for children to remain in the classroom is a mechanism implemented by Ecopetrol since 2017. This has resulted in over 95% of the beneficiaries remaining in the educational system. In 2022, in cooperation with the Batuta National Foundation, projects execution continued and will benefit more than 5,100 children and young people in department of Meta: Villavicencio, Acacias, Castilla La Nueva, Guamal and Puerto Gaitán; department of Casanare: Aguazul, Yopal, Tauramena, department of Boyacá: Santa María; and department of Cundinamarca: Ubalá and Medina. Ecopetrol supported the Music on the Borders strategy that reached municipalities such as Ipiales and Tumaco (Nariño), and Maicao (La Guajira). Likewise, in cooperation with the Sembrando Joropo Foundation, a project is underway, which in 2022 benefited 2,160 young people in Aguazul, Tauramena and Yopal (Casanare).
  • She is an Astronaut program: since 2019, Ecopetrol supports the She Is Foundation; in 2022, 95 girls were trained in female empowerment and STEM subjects , and 15 beneficiaries participated in the face-to-face program at NASA's Houston Space Center.  


Better quality: promotion of teacher training, provision of teaching material, and monitoring for the appropriation and sustainability of investment.

  •  Ecopetrol goes to school program: this initiative seeks to promote educational quality through the distribution of educational material relative to the oil industry. In 2022, a second phase was performed that benefited 904 students, with emphasis on hydrocarbon exploration. In the same year, the third phase was approved, which is expected to benefit 6,500 students. It is expected that this program will provide children and young people with more tools to debate and make proposals related to industry issues, relying on truthful information.
  • Implementation of pedagogical models in multi-grade rural locations, teacher training, and delivery of educational material to encourage teachers to update themselves and have better educational material in their classroom: in 2022, 44,920 students and schoolteachers benefited from this program. In the same year, a cooperation agreement was signed for teachers’ formation in La Guajira, which will benefit 13,000 students.

Greater coverage: expansion of the offer in higher education, and improvement of the educational infrastructure:

  • Expanded coverage to higher education: Ecopetrol promotes training for employment and encourages the best students from the regions in which it operates, through the following initiatives:
  • Expansion of coverage to higher education: through Ecopetrol’s Mario Galán Gómez High School Bachelors program, in 2022, 152 students benefited in undergraduate programs at Colombian universities that they were able to choose. Similarly, 65 more scholarships were granted this year, under version 36 of the program. 
  •  Ecopetrol supported the Generation E program of the Colombian Ministry of Education. Between 2018 and 2022, 1,587 students from 268 municipalities in strata 1, 2 and 3 were supported to study at private universities.
  • Through the Utopia program of La Salle University, 39 students have graduated, 13 of them in 2022, in the Agricultural Engineering undergraduate program, and leaders are being trained in capacities for the transformation of their regions. Currently, 68 students are benefiting therefrom.
  • Improvement of public education infrastructure: In 2022, intervention was conducted at 20 educational institutions that benefit 7,422 students, in municipalities such as San Vicente de Chucurí, Cartagena, Ubalá, Valle del Guamuez, Acacías, Guamal, and San Martin. Additionally, the alliance with the mayor's office of Aguazul (Casanare) stands out, with translated into the improvement of 15 public educational institutions in rural areas. These interventions promote school retention rates and improve the educational setting for 1,100 students. It is also worth to highlight the improvement of 5 educational institutions in Cubará and Toledo, developed through grant agreements with local organizations by means of an agreement developed with the United Nations Development Program - UNDP, which benefited 700 students with better locative conditions to study. 

Health (Ecopetrol Health). In turn, health investments seek to conduct actions aimed at improving the quality of health care services and promote closing gaps in this area. Ecopetrol undertook the following projects in 2022:

  • Delivery of medical equipment: within the framework of supporting care for the health emergency caused by Covid-19, the delivery of 162 medical equipment was completed, including 52 suction cups, 31 crash trucks with a defibrillator, 17 electrocardiographs, 35 vital organs equipment, 1 XR equipment, 1 video laryngoscope, and 24 beds. Some of the benefited hospitals were: El Tunal, Santa Clara, Meissen in Bogotá. 
  • In Barrancabermeja, the delivery of equipment to the Magdalena Medio ESE was completed. It is worth to highlight the delivery of the following equipment: 34 vital sign monitors, 40 infusion pumps, 6 oxygen concentrators, and a portable X-ray unit. 
  • In addition, 90 medical equipment units were delivered in Cubará (Boyacá) to strengthen the capacity of public health centers and support the closing of gaps. Further, it is planned to deliver an X Ray equipment in Yondó (Antioquia).
  • Special health days were held in the Catatumbo Region with the support of the Operación Sonrisa Foundation and Profamilia, which is benefiting 2,500 children and mothers of the Uwa indigenous community.


Inclusive Rural Development (Ecopetrol al Campo)


Investment in this line seeks to link rural communities to productive chains, leveraging on market opportunities, strengthening capacities in the territory, plus seeking sustainable use of natural resources. As a goal for 2024, Ecopetrol plans to benefit 4,475 small producers; in 2022, we managed to reach 3,921 producers, 87.6% of the goal set. In 2022, 15 projects were completed that linked 2,179 peasant families from Meta, Putumayo, Arauca, and Santander. Two productive chain strengthening projects are highlighted:

  • Implementation of an inclusive food supply model in the municipalities of Villavicencio, Acacias, Castilla and Guamal (Meta) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO, a project that supported 480 producers from 18 organizations in the 4 municipalities, which made up the Meta Food Supply Network, comprehensively strengthening their productive, associative, logistical, and commercial capacities, achieving more than 20 commercial agreements and $2,800 million pesos in sales.
  • Promotion of regional economic development in the municipalities of Orito, Valle del Guamuez, and San Miguel (Putumayo), to improve the living conditions of rural households dedicated to  cacao production, promoting the development of the cacao value chain with a regional vision, in partnership with the Society for International Development Cooperation - SOCODEVI, a project that supported more than 350 producers from 5 organizations in the 3 municipalities, which formed the Kausai Sacha pre-cooperative, strengthening their community production, benefit and marketing processes, with sales of more than 1,900 tons of cacao and $9,000 million pesos during the intervention.

Likewise, within the framework of implementation of the Comprehensive Agricultural Solutions program - Agrosol, which purpose is to strengthen family farming and food security, 11 projects were completed, aimed at providing technical assistance to rural inhabitants of Meta, Boyacá, Putumayo, Norte Santander, Casanare, and Santander. 

On the other hand, execution is underway of another 18 projects, whereby 6,101 peasant families participate to strengthen productive chains in lines such as cacao, coffee, fruit trees, bananas, vegetables, livestock, poultry, pig farming and environmental services, in alliance with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - UNODC, Society for International Development Cooperation - SOCODEVI, the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research - Agrosavia, the National Land Agency - ANT, Los Andes University, and the municipalities of Barrancabermeja (Santander), Saravena (Arauca), and Yaguará (Huila). 

In 2022, in the framework agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ecopetrol, a cooperation agreement was signed, which combines technical, administrative, and financial efforts to strengthen the productive capacities of the rural population, through the project that builds rural entrepreneurial capacities, confidence, and opportunity - 'El Campo Emprende'. This project will benefit more than 3,100 peasant families in 33 municipalities and 11 departments in the country. In 2022, the group selection process and support for the structuring and approval of 420 business plans were conducted, which have already started their implementation stage.

In July 2022, the II Rural Development Forum "Towards a more inclusive and sustainable Agriculture" was held in Guamal (Meta); it was attended by more than 300 representatives of producer organizations, partners, territorial entities, Ecopetrol employees, and other regional actors.


Entrepreneurship and business development (Ecopetrol Emprende)


The purpose of interventions along these lines is to strengthen the business network by generating capacities for entrepreneurship and innovation, thus favoring the generation of income, employment, and economic diversification of the territories. With that in mind, Ecopetrol has set the goal to reach 13,501 beneficiaries in 2024. As of December 2022, we have benefited 11,750 entrepreneurs, businessmen and young people, equivalent to 87% of the goal set, 10,531 of which benefited in 2022.

Among the most relevant initiatives in 2022, the consolidation of the 'Ecopetrol Emprende' (Ecopetrol Entrepreneur) national program stands out, which is conducted in partnership with CREAME Business Incubator and it intends to support economic reactivation and diversification through specialized business support and connection with sources of financing and commercial scenarios. Furthermore, it includes access to a fund of inventive resources for provision of goods and services aimed at making business models operational. In its second year, this program has specialized in four accompaniment lines to generate greater impact:

i) Incubation of business ideas:

Young people between the ages of 18 and 28: advice for young entrepreneurs who have business ideas in sectors such as green businesses, orange economy, technology and agrobusiness. 
Entrepreneurs with business ideas in any sector: advice so that through specialized business support they can make the idea come true. It includes support for women entrepreneurs to strengthen their leadership both in their businesses and in their community.

ii) Acceleration: accompaniment to MSEs that are registered with the Chamber of Commerce, where they receive advice to consolidate their business models. 

iii) Consolidation: accompaniment aimed at previously accelerated MSEs, where they receive advice to consolidate their market share, skills to face uncertainty and implement innovation plans. 

In 2022, 1,401 entrepreneurs and MSEs from 41 municipalities in the South, Orinoquía, Piedemonte, Central, Arauca-Catatumbo, Caribbean and East regionals benefited therefrom. Likewise, support for the business network in the municipalities of Puerto Gaitán and Puerto López (Meta) ended through the alliance with CREAME and in Cartagena (Bolívar), business accompaniment programs were concluded, through partnering with CREAME and the Cartagena Chamber of Commerce.

On the other hand, partnering with Universidad Nacional de Colombia (National University of Colombia), the development of the Youth 4.0 Innovating and Transforming Territories program continues in 2022, benefiting 2,010 young people between the ages of 14 and 28 in the municipalities of Puerto Wilches (Santander), Tauramena (Casanare), and Villavicencio (Meta).  Additionally, the 'Sacúdete con los Jóvenes del Territorio' program (Shake with the Young People of the Territory) started, benefiting 7,120 young people from 10 municipalities in 2022. Both programs develop pedagogical processes to promote the mindset for innovation, entrepreneurship, and training in technologies and skills of the fourth industrial revolution - 4IR.


Public and community infrastructure ('Ecopetrol Construye' - Ecopetrol Builds)



The investment in this line is intended to improve land intercommunication conditions to facilitate trade exchange, reduce travel times and transportation costs, added to promoting opportunities for coexistence, participation, education, and recreation.

To promote sustainable development in the territories, in 2022, local and national partnerships stand out, which diversify the infrastructure investment strategy. Some of the partners are the municipalities of Puerto Gaitán, Castilla la Nueva, Acacías (Meta), Aguazul (Casanare), Arauquita (Arauca), Barrancabermeja (Santander), Ubalá, Santa María (Boyacá) and Medina (Cundinamarca), the government of Santander and Casanare, the Agency for the Infrastructure of Meta, and other operators in the hydrocarbon sector. Partnering national actors include the National Federation of Coffee Growers - FNC and the United Nations Development Program - UNDP, strategic actors that work jointly with the communities, enabling them to reach dispersed and difficult-to-access rural areas.

  • Road Infrastructure  

As a goal of 2024, Ecopetrol has proposed to intervene 958 kilometers of roads. As of December 2022, 708 kilometers have been intervened, which represent 74% of the goal set; 204.18 kilometers correspond to projects completed in 2022, which benefit more than 546,900 people, contributing to the dynamism of the regions, access to better land mobility conditions, and the generation of employment, mostly local. 

Of these projects, 9 were executed through contracts (149.58 km), 5 in partnership with the mayor's office (26.86 km), and 4 through the public works for taxes mechanism (27.74 km). Alliances with the mayor's office of Ubalá and Medina (Cundinamarca) stand out for the intervention of 4.55 km of tertiary roads, and 1.5 km of secondary roads. It is also worth to mention partnering with the mayor's office of Barrancabermeja (Santander) for the paving and construction of complementary works of the road section from the rural district of La Ceiba to the Monument to the Worker (3.8 km), El Centro rural district; further, the strategy in the Middle Magdalena area where maintenance was performed, through direct contracts, on 113.3 km of tertiary roads in the municipalities of Sabana de Torres, Yondó, Rionegro, Cantagallo, San Vicente de Chucurí and Barrancabermeja (Santander). 

Additionally, the consolidation of this alliance, framework agreement, among the government of Meta, the mayor's office of Puerto Gaitán, the Meta Infrastructure Agency - AIM, the Colombian Petroleum Association - ACP, Frontera Energy, Tecpetrol, Cepsa, and Hocol S.A., joining efforts to support upgrading of the road that leads to the Rubiales rural district where more than 40,000 inhabitants of the municipality of Puerto Gaitán will benefit through the reduction of transportation costs associated with the production of over 160,000 tons of crops like corn, soybean, rice, and oil palm. 

In addition, the structuring of new projects concluded, such as the design of enhancement of 44 km of rural roads at Villavicencio (Meta), Tame and Saravena (Arauca). 

It is also worth to mention the progress achieved in the research project for developing new technologies for the intervention of the tertiary road network based on the use of bituminous material from oily residues, which is conducted in partnership with Universidad Industrial de Santander (Industrial University of Santander) whereby Ecopetrol participates in the 4th round of innovation and sustainability of transport infrastructure - sustainability and resilience in transport infrastructure, being positioned among the 11 selected technologies that will continue to participate seeking to attain its regulation. The implementation of this project will greatly contribute to the execution of the Circular Economy Roadmap, an outstanding element of the TESG Strategy, through the implementation of differentiating technologies for the management and use of oily residues.

  •  Community interest public infrastructure  

In 2022, the intervention of 49 community infrastructures that benefit 6,400 inhabitants was completed, including the construction of the market square El Achiote Puerto Caicedo (Putumayo) partnering with the local mayor's office; the construction of 1 community booth in Valle del Guamuez (Putumayo), the execution by contract of the conditioning of 1 community room in Cartagena (Bolívar), and 1 digital classroom in Castilla la Nueva (Meta), all focused on promoting community participation. 

Partnering with the United Nations Development Program - UNDP, economic reactivation and territorial dynamization were promoted through the execution of community infrastructure projects and strengthening of the social capital of the communities in Toledo (Norte de Santander), Cubará (Boyacá) and Saravena (Arauca); within the framework of the project, the construction of 32 sewers and 1 culvert box was completed, added to the intervention and improvement of 5 educational institutions and 1 health center.

Likewise, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and sports practice is highlighted through intervention projects in parks and sports arenas, such as the Membrillal Park in Cartagena (Bolívar), and the construction of a bio-healthy park in San Martín (Cesar).

Lastly, with the aim of strengthening the capacity of territorial entities in the formulation and structuring of projects, 3 packages of studies and designs were delivered that help make viable the improvement of 8 educational institutions in Valle del Guamuez and Puerto Leguizamo (Putumayo) and 9 in Saravena (Arauca) as part of the public works for taxes mechanism. In addition, the design of the sports center plaque, and the communal booth for Cumaribo (Vichada) were completed.

Public utilities (Ecopetrol Agua y Vida y Ecopetrol Conecta - Ecopetrol Water and Life and Ecopetrol Connects)

This line seeks to improve access and coverage of the essential public utility services for communities in areas of influence, to raise levels of quality of life, and close existing gaps related to unsatisfied basic needs.


Ecopetrol Agua y Vida (Ecopetrol Water and Life) Potable water and basic sanitation



Ecopetrol intends to benefit 1,329,704 people with access to potable water and basic sanitation by 2024. As of December 2022, 798,110 people have been benefited, which is equivalent to 60% of the goal set, with 763,436 beneficiaries in 2022. It should be noted that, in 2022, the execution of subproject 1 of the Cúcuta Metropolitan Aqueduct was completed, which scope was the construction of a new adduction and impulsion line for improving the continuity and quality conditions of the aqueduct service in Cucuta's urban area (Norte de Santander).

Similarly, 5 projects are underway, which will benefit more than 520,000 people; among them: sub-projects 2 and 3 of the Cúcuta Metropolitan Aqueduct , which will improve the conditions of access to drinking water in the municipalities of Villa del Rosario and Los Patios (Norte de Santander), the construction of the Waste Water Treatment Plant - WWTP San Silvestre in Barrancabermeja (Santander), the construction of the sludge treatment system of the urban aqueduct in Barrancabermeja, the drinking water treatment plant of Guamal (Meta), the optimization of the Altos de Pompeya aqueduct system in the rural area of Villavicencio (Meta), and the implementation of 4 individual solutions for water purification in educational institutions in Puerto Wilches (Santander) through the Agua para la educación, Educación para Agua” (Water for Education, Education for Water) program in partnership with the EPM Foundation. 

In this same line, in 2022, with the help of the Ministry of Housing, City, and Territory, a new specific accord  was signed with the Public Services Company of La Guajira and the municipality of Manaure (La Guajira) for the construction of 1 production module and 6 public fountains that will improve the conditions of access to drinking water for over 13,500 inhabitants of the Wayú community in the Middle and Upper Guajira Indigenous Reservation, thus constituting Ecopetrol's first project in the materialization of solutions for potable water supply by means of differential schemes. Further, in accordance with the commitments signed with the national government, the specific accord was signed with the municipality of Villa del Rosario (Norte de Santander) and the municipal public utility company EICVIRO for the optimization of drinking water distribution networks in the urban area. This project will contribute to reduce the system's technical losses by improving the pressure and continuity of the service to more than 3,470 inhabitants.     

On the other hand, with the aim of strengthening the ability of territorial entities for preparing and structuring projects through the provision of technical assistance for studies and designs, Ecopetrol completed 3 studies and designs of aqueduct systems to benefit nearly 11,894 people: 

  • Studies and designs for the construction of the Potable Water Treatment Plant in the rural district of Altamira Puerto López (Meta).
  • Studies and designs for the expansion of the aqueduct system of the municipal seat of Castilla La Nueva and inter rural districts network up to the rural district of Sabanas del Rosario Castilla La Nueva (Meta) – Phase 1.
  • Studies and designs for the construction of the aqueduct systems in the rural districts of Puerto Triunfo, Santa Helena, and La Florida Puerto Gaitán (Meta).

Finally, given the challenge of benefiting more than 1.3 million people by 2024, and 2.4 million people by 2040, with access to water for human consumption, through basic supply and sanitation solutions, the accord signed with the Ministry of Housing, City, and Territory continued to promote social investment strategies through national programs seeking to close the gaps in terms of water access in rural areas through conventional solutions, such as differential or alternative schemes. Similarly, seeking to strengthen and reduce timing of our interventions in the territory, progress was made in the management of alliances with Non-Governmental Organizations - NGOs, international cooperation, and private companies, which have vast experience in the implementation of supply solutions and basic sanitation as per the needs of the territory. These include the Colombian Red Cross, Action Against Hunger, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO, ARGOS Foundation, and the Colombian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - ACODAL.   


Ecopetrol Conecta (Ecopetrol Connects) - Energy and Gas


Ecopetrol Conecta (Ecopetrol Connects) contributes to closing gaps in the access to energy and gas services. As a goal for 2024, Ecopetrol intends to connect 70,000 households to gas networks. As of December 2022, 18,374 households have been connected to the gas service since 2019, which is equivalent to 26% of the goal set, with 7,683 households connected in 2022 in the municipalities of Cubará (Boyacá), Tibú (North Santander), San Vicente de Chucurí (Santander), Barranquilla (Atlántico), Arauca (Arauca), Arauquita (Arauca), Cravo Norte (Arauca), and Puerto Rondón (Arauca).

Currently, 13 projects are underway to increase gas service coverage. Likewise, in 2022, one new agreement was signed in the Andean East regional, which reflects the coordinated efforts of Ecopetrol and the local authorities to benefit 1,555 households in the municipalities of La Plata, Garzón, and Gigante (Huila). 

Through the public works for taxes mechanism, the Territory Renewal Agency - ART issued Resolutions 546, 550 and 551 of August 23, 2022, through which it approves the use of Ecopetrol's income tax for implementation of photovoltaic solar solutions projects for 766 households to increase coverage of electricity service in the rural area of the Valle del Guamuez, San Miguel, and Orito municipalities (Putumayo).

Finally, the project to expand fuel gas through networks and connection rights for stratum 1 and 2 households in the Canelo, Diamante, Jazmín and Almendro rural districts, municipality of Sabana de Torres (Santander), was presented to the Ministry of Mines and Energy for implementing the mechanism set out in Decree 1704 of 2021.

Investment for Institutional and Community Strengthening

In 2022, 88,538 people benefited with programs and projects intended for institutional and community strengthening. The projects completed in 2022 include humanitarian aid supported by the Colombian Red Cross.

On the other hand, there are initiatives underway that include the execution of the youth leaders strengthening project in Puerto Wilches (Santander), in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - UNODC, and young people in the rest of the country, partnering with the Friends of the National Museum Association. This year, the qualification of 65 Community Action Boards of Meta began, in partnership with the Administrative Unit for Solidarity Economy Organizations, seeking to enabling these organizations to develop their capacity as financial managers of their own territories, within the framework of the Law. 

Finally, regarding the development of infrastructure to provide meeting spaces for the communities, in 2022 the construction of the Intercultural Thinking Center of the U'wa indigenous community started in the municipality of Cubará (Boyacá), which will benefit more than 7,500 people, thus promoting the protection of this community's culture.

Further, within the framework of the Co Crea mechanism, the Crea Sonidos (Creating Sounds) project was supported, seeking to ensure that new musical talents are not only known by the music industry and the public, but also to training beneficiaries by providing them with tools to protect their patrimonial rights and conduct administrative and cultural management, so that music becomes a sustainable enterprise for promoting local culture.

Public works for taxes

Public works for taxes is a mechanism created by the National Government in 2017, which allows companies to pay up to 50% of their income and complementary tax through the direct execution of social impact projects in the Most Affected Areas by the Armed Conflict –ZOMAC - which purpose is the construction, improvement, optimization or expansion of infrastructure and the required endowment for the supply of road infrastructure, drinking water and sewerage, energy, education and public health services, among other sectors .  
In 2022, the Ecopetrol Group continued to lead the implementation of the mechanism in Colombia, obtaining the largest participation in the country, with 16 projects assigned in this term for $155,216 million pesos, which will benefit over 128,000 Colombians. With these projects, the Ecopetrol Group accumulates, since the creation of the program, a total allocation of 59 projects, for a value of $557,608 million pesos, that is, 39% of the total projects allocated in the country.  
In 2022, the Ecopetrol Group completed 8 projects amounting to $101,374 million pesos, which benefit over 276,556 inhabitants in 14 municipalities in 4 departments.

In the framework of Ecopetrol Group's 2040 Strategy, for each of the pillars (grow with the energy transition, generate value with TESG strategy, competitive returns, and cutting-edge knowledge), the Vice-presidency of Sustainable Development defines the Social Setting Management Strategy established in the strategic axis of security.

This axis, through the definition of the enabling plan, is aimed at the implementation of a preventive model focused on the cultural principle of “Life First”, focused on managing the security of people and of Ecopetrol's infrastructure and operations. 

To fulfill this function, the following components are in place: i) relationship and strategy, ii) risk management, iii) safety of employees, iv) protection of critical infrastructure and operations, v) projects feasibility, vi) monitoring and statistics, vii) continuity and crisis management, and viii) human rights as a cross-cutting element based on the voluntary principles of security and human rights; each of these components has specific objectives and action lines.

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