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Measures to guarantee the adequate representation of its Shareholders at the extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on October 24, 2022
Nomination Record of Candidate for the Board of Directors of Minority Shareholders
Nomination of Candidate to the Board of Directors of Hydrocarbon Producing Departments
Communication sent by the majority shareholder with the slate of candidates for the Board of Directors
Profiles and letters of acceptance of nomination of the candidates to integrate the Board of Directors
Power of attorney for an individual
Power of attorney for a legal entity
Power of attorney for minors represented by both parents, when only one of them attends the meeting
Power of attorney for minors represented by both parents who are unable to attend the Meeting, and a third party attends the Meeting
Power of attorney for minors represented by the person who has parental authority
Special power of attorney for those who must be represented by a guardian, conservator or court-appointed assistant
Voting intent at the General Meeting
Instructions for the review of the powers of attorney for the Ordiunary or Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of Ecopetrol S.A.