
Legal Representatives

Jul 18, 2024

Ricardo Roa Barragan

Mr. Roa currently holds the position of President of Ecopetrol, Colombia's largest company and parent company of one of Latin America's leading integrated energy groups. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a specialization in Engineering Management Systems from Universidad Nacional. He has more than 30 years of professional experience and is a recognized expert in the energy industry. Over the past 15 years he has held senior positions in energy and gas companies in Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, and Honduras. Throughout his career, he has spearheaded studies and initiatives in energy generation, unveiled efficiency projects, and led strategic transformations in companies in the industry. He previously served as Manager of Grupo Energía de Bogotá (GEB), President of Transportadora de Gas Internacional (TGI), and Manager of Empresa Energía de Honduras (EEH). He was also President of Termoeléctrica La Luna and General Manager of Celco S.A.S. During his extensive career, he has also served as Sector Director of Energy and Gas at Andesco; Commercial Manager of the energy trading company Cencol; General Manager of Electrificadora de Santander, and Energy Business Manager of the Organización Ardila Lülle. As President of Ecopetrol, his priority will be to lead a fair and sustainable energy transition, focusing on the company's operational and financial soundness to benefit all its shareholders and all Colombians.

Alberto Consuegra Granger

He has a degree in Civil Engineering from University of Cartagena and a master's degree in Flooring and Construction Management from Texas A&M University. He has extensive experience in the hydrocarbon industry in positions such as Vice President of Exploration and Production and Vice President of Operations of Equión Energía Ltd, between 2011 and 2016.  

(Served as Chief Operating Officer until May 10, 2024) 

David Alfredo Riaño Alarcón

Has over 28 years of experience in the energy sector, having held leadership positions in companies and entities in the energy and gas sector. His knowledge of the energy market has been attained in renowned companies including Transportadora de Gas Internacional, Empresa de Energía de Cundinamarca, Gas Natural Fenosa, Red de Energía del Perú (ISA), in trade associations such as ACOLGEN and government entities such as the Superintendence of Public Services and the energy and gas regulatory entity CREG. He is an electrical engineer with a degree from the University of La Salle and three master's degrees - in economics from the Javeriana University, in industrial engineering from the Universidad de los Andes, and in business administration from the University of Warwick.

Ana Milena López Rocha

She is a Harvard University Economist and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School. She previously served as Vice President of Finance, Strategy, and New Business at CENIT, the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics subsidiary of the Ecopetrol Group (2018 - 2023). During her career, she held the position of General Director of Public Credit and National Treasury at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (2015 - 2017), Capital Markets Manager at Sociedades Bolivar (2014 - 2015) and was a partner at Newfoundland Capital Management (2012 - 2013). She held multiple positions at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York and London (2003 - 2009).  

(Served as Chief Value Officer until April 12, 2024) 



Legal Representative for Judicial and Extrajudicial Affairs


Alejandra María Echeverri Orozco

Ms. Echeverri holds an undergraduate degree in Law with a specialization in Commercial Law from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. She has over twenty years of experience in legal advisory and litigation firms and in the public sector, including in the oil & gas industry. In the pas ten years she has served Ecopetrol, wherein as of December 2021, she has held the position of Manager for Judicial and Extrajudicial Affairs under the Legal Vice Presidency of Ecopetrol S.A.


Luis Carlos Plata Prince 

Is a lawyer specializing in Administrative Law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and holds a Master of Law degree with a concentration in Contractual and Extracontractual, Civil and State Liability from Universidad Externado de Colombia.  Mr. Plata has over 13 years of professional experience in the legal field. He previously worked in the Judicial Branch of government, specifically in the Third Section of the Council of State, where he served as Assistant Judge, as well as in the information technology and communications area for the Directorate of Surveillance, Inspection, and Control of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications. In 2020, he joined the hydrocarbons sector, specifically the Judicial and Extrajudicial Department of the Legal Vice-Presidency of Ecopetrol, where he since represents and counsels the Company in legal matters.


Legal Representative for Goods and Services Procurement Matters


Jaime Ariolfo Pineda Durán

Mr. Pineda has acted as Vice President of Supply and Services for Ecopetrol S.A. since January, 2023. Prior to this appointment, he was Procurement and Supply Chain Manager at Ecopetrol S.A. He joined Ecopetrol in 1989 as a Legal Advisor, and has served 22 years at the Vice-Presidency of Legal Affairs and 11 years in the procurement and supply chain areas. Mr. Pineda has held leadership positions such as District Legal Adviser, Head of the Legal Coordination for Procurement, Head of the Supply and Services Legal Advice Unit, Director of the Internal Control Office, Director of Supply of Goods and Services, Strategic Supply Director, Head of the Supply Excellence Department, where he led the transformation of the Company’s procurement and supply chain operating model. Mr. Pineda has over 33 years of relevant experience in the Oil and Gas industry as a lawyer and supply chain executive. He has also been a professor in several universities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga and has vast experience in contract law.


Aldemar Alfonso Mejía Prado

Has served as Supply Manager since October 2023. Mr. Mejia was previously the Planning and Procurement Manager in the Vice Presidency of Development, Projects, and Drilling (EDP) of Ecopetrol S.A. He joined Ecopetrol in 2014 and has since held multiple positions, including Head of Pre-Contractual Planning, Procurement and Contracting Coordinator in charge of the Orinoquia Regional, Head of Contract Management for the Llanos HUB projects, Head of Contract Management at the national projects level, and was appointed Planning and Sourcing Manager of the EDP in May 2021.
Mr. Mejia boasts over 17 years of professional expertise in the Oil & Gas industry. He is an Industrial Engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, with a specialization in Project Management and a Master's in Strategic Management from the Universidad de Los Andes, and additionally completed certificate programs in agile project management methodologies. He has excelled in the organization with his strong leadership and team development skills and has been lauded for his recent achievements in planning and contract management.


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