Nov 1, 2020
In accordance with the zero tolerance for corruption policy and a tone at the top ethics and compliance structure, a new Code of Ethics and Conduct for the Ecopetrol Business Group was approved by the Board of Directors in 2018. It applies to Ecopetrol S.A. and its affiliates and subsidiaries. This Code also applies to: i) Members of the Boards of Directors and workers of Ecopetrol and of the companies of the Business Group, ii) Individuals or legal entities who have any relationship with the Group, beneficiaries, shareholders, contractors, suppliers, agents, partners, customers, allies and providers, including contracts for security services, iii) Personnel hired by contractors and suppliers for the execution of activities for the Ecopetrol Group.
This Code was prepared taking into account the applicable regulatory framework, national and international standards, benchmarks for Oil & Gas sector companies’ worldwide, best practices guidelines, assessments of ethical and compliance issues, and the results of surveys to workers. It establishes the following ethical principles that guide the conducts expected by the Ecopetrol Group form it´s recipients in its business activities, its work place and at a personal level: Integrity, Responsibility, Respect and Commitment with Live.
The Code also contains a guide of examples of conducts that would comply with such principals as well as real life situations that are red flags and therefore should be avoided and a segment of frequently asked questions -FQA. This Code is the main pillar of the Compliance Program of the Ecopetrol Business Group.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct has been published in Spanish, English and Portuguese on the Company’s website.
See the Code version for kids in Spanish here.